Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hoka Hey Rider #612 Luvs2Ride

Wow! The Hoka Hey is almost here! The Hoka Hey pile in the spare bedroom is now being sorted and packed. What to bring ,what not to bring? I had the time to do my mock up and seams the important items like my bedroll and sleeping bag tent and cot all fit on the bike. Now come the most difficult part, packing my tour bag. For those that know me I always over pack on clothing. Tomorrow evening I will pack my tour bag.
This evening the oil was changed and Ms. Scarlett received a bath. She is ready to hit the open road. I packed my saddlebag and even allowed my husband (BerB) to give me a helping hand. He is a clever man he has a talent of fitting 25# of stuff in a 5# bucket. This is what is needed for this kind of ride. Now I will tuck and roll all the remaining items and stuff them into my pack tomorrow evening.
I want to give a special thank you to American Woman Riders and High Plains Harley-Davidson for their sponsorship. Also a special thank you to Donna Labatt for her sponsorship from her company Vernon Products. These are my top three sponsors for this ride. For my brothers and sister that made donations to American Woman Riders, Thank you I appreciate you all! To those that donated through High Plains H-D thank you, you guys rock! I appreciate every one's support and encouragement on this upcoming adventure.

 High Plains Harley-Davidson has an area in the dealership set aside for the "Hoka Hey Tracking of Carla". Terry Splawn our HOG secretary has set up  map and board of information and pictures to keep our supporters updated on my location.
Excitement overcomes me everyday. It's here time to ride! I have been speaking this week with co Hoka Hey Challengers. Also been reading some blogs of other riders.Many are leaving late this week into this weekend to get to Mesa AZ by the beginning of next week. We have a loaded schedule before take off on August 5th. Inspection/Registration on August 3rd . August 4th in the evening is our rider meeting followed by a Hoka Hey send off party at Chesters H-D in Mesa. 2 days of fun before departure. Use this time to plan or get those last minute items. I still am going to find room for the coffee pot.
On Aug 1 I will apply my sponsorship clings and make any finally preparations. The next day  my friend Brad is coming in from St Charles H-D and we will meet up with a few supporters in Saccorro NM and ride on to Mesa.
I am excited, overwhelmed, anxious and maybe at times a bit of fear. When I think of these feeling I think about all the comemnts and support I have read over the past months on facebook. You all that have been encouraging me, cheering me on and support me are my strength. Thank you to cheerleaders I will be thinking of you all everyday every ride! Hoka Hey! Will post more in Mesa...
Carla DuBois

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stay Fueled and Hydrated

Well the clock is ticking and the Hoka Hey Challenge is 5 weeks away. In all my preparations of making sure I have the right packing gear, clothing, and of course sleeping/resting gear I had forgotten about one important item. Fuel for me and my bike. I have often reminded co riders how important it is to stay fueled when touring. Not in regards so much to the motorcycle but to keeping yourself fueled with food and hydrated. The temperatures here in the southwest this week have been in the triple digit numbers for the last week. I can't imagine what they are across Death Valley or any desert.
 In all this heat we been having I have shifted my priorities to making sure I have plenty of fuel for myself. When I say fuel for me I am speaking of water and food. I have obtained 2 camel backs that both will always be filled with water so I can sip and drink throughout my ride. I also have plenty of sunscreen, lip balm to protect my skin. Long sleeve tee shirts in light colors along with a hydration vest. In the extreme sun it will be important to keep our body parts covered and lotion, for protection .
 I myself am an individual that has to eat my meals or I loose my energy and concentration level. I have packed some easy items that do not require allot of preparation for breakfast. High protein breakfast bars, also along with fruit and nuts that I can carry along.  If I have a hearty breakfast, oats and grains this will last me for a easy snack of fruit and nuts for lunch. I plan on re fueling my body before my evening rest with protein and veggies. I know my limitations and I must stay fueled in order to complete this challenge. With out food and hydrating I will put myself into a danger area for riding.
 Remember to stay fueled, ride within your limits, rest when needed so you can maintain your alertness to achieve your optimal daily miles.
 Good luck to all see you in August.

Hoka Hey!
Carla DuBois

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ride #612 / Ready For The Challenge

Planning is coming on long very well. I have fitted the last few items on the bike to allow for carrying all my STUFF! And speaking of that I have been tucking and rolling and finding every space possible to put item into for this ride. This week I am working on obtaining my tracker from US Fleet Tracking. After some though I felt it best to have this item installed on my bike. I am not in the Hoka Hey for the money, but for the ride and the adventure. My adventure is to meet new and interesting people and learn about the Indian Heritage and the challenges they went though  in years past.

 I want to give a special thank you to some individuals that have made all this possible, High Plains Harley-Davidson and American Woman Riders. High Plains Harley-Davidson is my major sponsor. A special thank you to the owner of High Plains H-D Jimmy Allison for his sponsorship and believing in me on this adventure. High Plains Harley-Davidson and the staff have been more than supportive of this upcoming adventure. Many of my co workers will be taking on some additional responsibilities in my absence and they too deserve a big thank you! I appreciate all of you for believing in me and allowing me this opportunity.

 American Woman Riders - Tina Reeves CEO of the online e-mag publication is also one of my sponsors. AWR is about Woman who love to ride. The share stories and exchange information about riding. A wonderful e-mag. If you are not familiar with AWR stop by face book and visit the site you will not be disappointed. Tina and AWR have set up a site for donations and she will also be handling my blog while I am out on the ride. I want all those that have supported me and are backing me to be able to see the progress and know where I am at as much as possible. Thank you Tina and American Woman Riders for your support! We love to ride!

 I would also like to recognize to special groups that are very close to my heart and thank them for their efforts this week. High Plains HOG Chapter had a Hoka Hey benefit on June 11 to support my ride. They had a great day filled with a ride, food fun and door prizes. Thank you High Plains HOG Chapter, you guys ROCK!
 I am also a member of the Sangre De Cristo Chapter from Santa Fe. They to on June 12 passed the hat for support of my Hoka Hey ride and raised some funds. Thank you to my HOG brothers and sisters!

 I have an official rider number which I received this week. I am rider #612. I love that number! When I opened my email and seen it for the first time excitement ran through my body. Wow I have a rider number! The Hoka Hey was now becoming a reality to me. In 7 weeks many riders will be rolling across a staring line. Some of the riders with intentions on riding just a portion of the route others, with a dream of the big money.  Whatever each persons goal will be this will be the ride of a lifetime that can never be repeated. Harley-Davidson's support in this event may never happen again, who knows. But I do know we will become a family on this ride we will meet new friends and it will be a very special event for those involved. Ride, be safe and remember to still think about our fellow riders! 
Until next time, Hoka Hey!
Carla DuBois

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preparations/Planning For Hoka Hey 2011

Many of you following me on facebook  have seen my post and excitement of the Hoka Hey Challenge 2011.  Since my last blog I have aquired many items to help in my travels. The Oregon Bedroll which is wonderful along with a cot from Cabela's that is about 7.5 inches off the ground.  Both have had a test and sleep very well, hope that remains once out on the road. Boots, hydration vest, socks, saddlebag liners, rain gators just to name a few. The planning and the needs list seems to keep growing each day. I have post it notes all over my computer along with my priority list close by.  At this point in the game I am very close to finalizing and having my needs list completed and purchased or donated. The remaining items are small things such as batteries, lip balm, sunscreen etc... the small items that are in some cases easily forgotten. A very dear friend has sent me along three wonderful books on endurance riding , a wealth of information. Thank you Joe! I appreciate your help and coaching, you rock! Hope to run into you on my trip. And today I was fortunate enough to be able to network with a fellow Hoka Hey Challenger (Brad) and share some ideas and information. Hopefully Brad and I will ride to Mesa since he will be passing through my area on his way to Arizona.
 This challenge consumes your every thought. I find myself thinking of how I will do this ride. I am always making small notes on my list that stays close by me always. Hoka Hey Challenge has its own spirit that talks to you . Now its about 10 weeks away before the start of the event. I feel in order to complete this challenge the strong individuals with the mind set will be the ones that achieve the finish line. The individuals that are planning for the unexpected and can think outside the box will be the true warriors on this ride. Be prepared be well planned and able to adapt to the unexpected. At the same time this will be the ride of a lifetime, new friends will be formed, new bonds, and true compassion for the road and your fellow riders. We will all come home with a different insite and this ride will change our lives!
 I am looking forward to the challenge see you in 10 weeks in Meza, Arizona , Hoka Hey!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Introduction- Hoka Hey 2011

My name is Carla and I am riding the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge 2011. The event being sponsored by Harley-Davidson and HOG Corporate is going to be an Epic event. I am very excited to be part of this event! I have two wonderful sponsors, American Woman Riders and High Plains Harley-Davidson. Thank you both for your support.

 I am 51 years old and I have worked at High Plains Harley-Davidson for 10 years. Riding motorcycles is my passion! I love motorcycles and the unique people that ride the H-D brand or any brand for that matter. I have been riding 20 + years now and put over +100000 miles in my riding lifetime.

 I have two children, both riders. Christopher and Michelle. A beautiful 2 year old grandson Micheal that also rides. Oh and lets not forget my soul mate and husband-BerB. My inspiration and rock. Scarlett my 2011 FLHX103 Street Glide that I will be riding on the Hoka Hey.

 I am currently that Director of our local HOG Chapter and I have been an active member the past ten years. I love to promote women to ride their own and encourage them to do so. American Woman Riders also one of my sponsors is just that, about woman who love to ride! I recently was awarded the American Woman Riders Community Hero Award. Check out American Woman Riders to learn more about this award. AWR has a donation site up and running on Facebook . Funds are needed to help in this ride. Remaining funds will be donated to a charity of AWR choice voted on by their readers.

 My plan is to blog every week or so to update you that are interested in following my efforts. Thank you to all that have already donated to this ride, I appreciate your support.